aboutGOLF provides the most flexible designed simulators available. Features include realistic turf and center strike stance mat, a full single-screen system designed for durability, an image quality touchscreen, and a high-performance computer to run our powerful software. The aboutGOLF experienced team specializes in creating a design that fits your unique needs. Whether it’s challenging space restrictions or specific cosmetic requests, we will work with you to create a personalized solution.

Proprietary 3Trak Ball Tracking and Club Data
High Quality Projection System
aG Links Software with Range and Course Play
Standard Course Package
Realistic Turf and Center Strike Stance Mat
High-Performance Computer and Touchscreen
Complete Screen System with Protective Padding
Aluminum Structure and Fabric Enclosure
Computer and cable enclosure system

Custom Design for Irregular Spaces
Integrated Hardwall Design and Installation
Premium Course Package Options
aG Flix Video Analysis System
aG Balance Pro
aG Control Multiple Simulator Management
Modified Awning, Flooring, and Turf Options
Projector and Display Upgrade Options
Custom Support, Service and Content Subscription